Lambacyhalothrin 5% EC

Lambacyhalothrin 5 % EC

  • Lamier 50 is one of the leading insecticide brands formulate from Lambacyhalothrin. When insecticide reaches to pests stomach it starts action.
  • It is used in Cotton, Rice, Brinajal, Tomato, Mango, Okra, Red Gram, Chillies, ground nut, and onion to protect from Boll worms, jassids, thrips, Leaf folder, Stem borer, Green Leaf hopper, BPH, Thrips, Whorl maggot, Shoot and fruit borer and Green Leaf Hopper etc.
  • The dosages per hectare are 12.5-25 gm a.i.and formulation is 200-500ml depending on type of pest.
  • It is available with us in EC(Emulisifiable Concentrate) form.
  • There is no specific antidote.Treat symptomatically.


  • It is safe for non-target human being and animals.
  • It is safe for environment and all the crops.
  • It has knockdown effect.